020 7737 3310
Store info

Mon, 11am - 5pm

Tue, 11am - 5pm

Thur - Sat, 10am-6pm

Sun, 11am-5pm 


Lowie, 18 Half Moon Lane

SE24 9HU, Herne Hill, London

Lowie, 18 Half Moon Lane

SE24 9HU, Herne Hill, London

Mon, 11am - 5pm

Tue, 11am - 5pm

Thur - Sat, 10am-6pm

Sun, 11am-5pm 

Free Lifetime Repairs

We offer free lifetime repairs on all Lowie pieces. 

It's estimated that people only keep a piece of clothing for two years. From there, pieces are either sold, given away, recycled, or disposed of. Unfortunately, the latter seems to be the choice made by far too many as around 300,000 tonnes of clothing finds its way to the landfill each year. We want to increase the lifespan of your clothing and reduce the amount of clothing put in the bin each year. 

Clothes get old, snagged, torn, or seen as a tasty snack by a moth. Buttons fall off and get lost. Life happens. And we understand. But a small tear on a seam or unravelled stitch is no reason to throw away a piece of clothing. That's why we offer free repairs for life on all Lowie garments. 

What to do if you need a repair

If you're in London, simply bring your piece of Lowie into our shop in Herne Hill. Before bringing in your garment, please make sure it is clean, and if it has moth damage, ensure that all the eggs have been cleaned off the garment. Leave your contact information at the store, so we can let you know when your piece is fixed. Usually, we will have everything repaired in a week. If this isn't the case, we'll let you know. 

If you're not in London or can't get to our store, simply post your piece to us. Send us an email to let us know that we should be expecting a repair, and let us know what we need to fix. Before sending in your garment, make sure it is clean and free of moth eggs. We'll post your fixed piece back to you asap. 

If you have any questions about repairs, send us an email or give us a call.